Ponds Not Your Thing?

Do you enjoy the noise of water running through your back yard, but  don't want to maintain fish or have to worry about water quality? Then you might want to check out the pondless waterfall system!

The pondless waterfall system allows you to construct a waterfall as elaborate as you would like without having a pond to maintain. This system utilizes a submersible pump similar to a pond, but varies in a few ways. The basin is filled with aquablocks (hollow, milk crate like structures) and stone. The centipede module is buried within the basin and houses the pump, which then recirculates the water to the spillway. There is no skimmer in this set-up because all of the debris will remain on the top surface of the stones - which makes maintenance a breeze! 

The pondless waterfall is also a great way to add a stunning water feature without adding a ton onto your electric bill. The pump can simply be turned off if you are not home to enjoy it (since there are no fish depending on the movement/aeration of the water) . 

Another reason some people choose to go pondless is because they have young children and don't want to have the hazard of a basin of water in their yard. This doesn't mean that you can't still enjoy a water feature! The basin of water for this system is underground and covered by a layer of stone, so no basin is exposed for children to have access to. The whole family can enjoy this type of water feature, even the younger members! 

Known Creative / CWD