Wood-chipping, Brush Removal, and Drainage Solutions

Action Water Gardens, Inc. also offers wood-chipping and brush removal services. The equipment we utilize can accept trees up to 10” in diameter. Wood-chips are a great alternative to bagged mulch sold at the store (cheaper, too!). We can leave them behind for you to use or haul them away! Our team of skilled professionals will help you clear up that spot you’ve selected for your upcoming project. We now also offer cut and split firewood -local deliveries to Tolland and Willington for $250 a cord.  Need just a small bundle for camping? Stop by and grab some at the shop! Bundles of firewood are $10 each.

Keep in mind when trees or brush are removed, you might experience standing water that was once consumed by the trees that were removed . We have a solution for this problem as well! Our skilled professionals can help design a drainage and water run-off solution. Give us a call to discuss a plan for your yard today, (860) 875-2359.

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