Product Feature: Cold Water Bacteria

Dr. Pond recommends adding beneficial bacteria as one of the most important things you can do for your pond. Aquascape Cold Water Beneficial Bacteria is specially formulated for cold water (works in temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit). It is safe for Plants, Fish and Animals.

Aquascape Cold Water Beneficial Bacteria contains 7 pure strains of concentrated beneficial bacteria that quickly go to work cleaning and balancing your ornamental pond.

 Aquascape Cold Water Beneficial Bacteria maintains a strong biological balance providing clean, clear and healthy water conditions.

Key Features Include:

 -Maintains a balanced ecosystem

-Reduces pond maintenance

-Reduces ammonia, nitrite and organic debris

-Safe for fish, plants or animals that may drink pond water

-1.5 Billion CFU per ounce

-Contains marigold and vitamin B

The convenient pump bottle makes for quick, easy, and accurate dosing.Add to the area in the pond with the most circulation or directly into the pond skimmer. Please note that water temperature should be a minimum of 32 degrees Fahrenheit. For best metabolic activity, 40-50 degrees Fahrenheit is recommended. 


Spring Instructions:

How Often: Start treatment when water reaches 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Treat twice weekly for two weeks, then once a week until water temperature reaches 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Continue maintenance with Aquascape Beneficial Bacteria for ponds during the warm weather months.

Fall/Winter Instructions: 

How Often: Start treatment when water drops to 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Continue adding weekly until water temperature drops below 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

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