Small Water Features, BIG Impact

Spring time is the best time for yard and home improvement projects. The ground is softening up, and there is plenty of time in the upcoming seasons for you to enjoy your new addition! Do you have a boring, lifeless spot in your yard that could use that extra something? Spruce it up with something simple!

Try a new fountain, spitter, ceramic urn, patio pond, or container garden. Any water feature will make a great addition to your yard, even if space is limited. These water feature options are easy to install, and can make a dramatic difference in your backyard or outdoor entertainment space. 

The project can be as creative as you want it to be and at very little cost! Most smaller water features utilize things we can find right in our backyards. Moss, rocks, and aged pieces of wood are all great examples of items that can be used to enhance a water feature. For a few ideas you can check out the fountainscapes we have displayed at Action Water Gardens, Inc. The natural components that we have incorporated into the fountainscapes are what really make a piece unique and personal. 

Known Creative / CWD