Easy Prep for Fountains, Pondless Waterfalls & Container Gardens

If any of you have fountains, pondless waterfalls, and container water gardens, then you are in luck! Winter prep can be done in no time with some simple steps to follow.

For those who have fountainscapes and pondless waterfalls, all you need to do is take your pump out for the winter. Unplug the pump and disconnect it from its hose. When you take your pump out just make sure to rinse it off, clean the insides with an old tooth brush or soft bristle brush, inspect for any wear and tear, put it back together and then store it in an area that won’t freeze! Remember to blow out your auto fill so the line won't freeze and crack. For those of you have fountains made out of resin, plastic, or ceramic we suggest moving them into a garage or anywhere where it will be protected from snow and/or freezing temperatures. If there's an abundance of algae on your fountains and/or waterfall rocks we suggest using a pressure washer to clean it off before you fully shut them down for winter.

If you have an outdoor container water garden, take all the plants out and trim back the foliage. If they are hardy plants you can put them in a garage or storage room just as long as you water them weekly. As for tropical plants you can either throw them out once the weather gets cold or you can bring them indoors and keep them in a sunny room in a bin filled with water. Once you’ve emptied your container water garden of plants you can empty the water and rinse away any debris or algae that has accumulated throughout the season. Once it’s all clean you can store the container in a garage or storage room as long as it stays clear of the harsh winter climate. 

Known Creative / CWD