Pump It Up

Fall is flying by and fortunately for you, we have the right equipment in stock for those who need to get things ready for the upcoming winter season. Before we start you need to ask yourself if you’re going to keep your water feature running through the winter or are you going to shut everything down and pack it up until spring? There is no set answer to this question but there are wrong and right ways of doing these next steps!

If you answered yes to keeping your water feature running throughout winter, then you are in for a wonderful treat of seeing some beautiful ice formations in your stream. Although this will be a winter wonderland in your yard, there are a few things to keep in mind. Keeping your pond and/or waterfall running in the winter can add some extra work which isn’t for everyone – especially those who don’t enjoy New England Weather. First, you will have to add water to the pond just like you do every once in a while during the warm months. Yes, even in winter there will be some evaporation! You also have to monitor the ice formations as they can form dams which will increase water loss. Another thing is that if our weather gets very frigid and the whole water feature freezes, it’s possible your pump could freeze too which will damage it making your warranty for the pump ineligible. Although these are some slight downfalls, don’t let that scare you. If you don’t mind a little extra effort during the winter, you can enjoy your water garden year round!

If you answered no to keeping your pond or waterfall open and would like to shut down your water feature then that is perfectly okay as well. Here are a few steps to follow to shut it down properly:

  • Remove your pump and inspect it before putting it away. It’s always beneficial to rinse your pumps down when you take them out and before you put them back in your pond. It is also good to open up your pump and rinse down the inside and scrub any other debris with an old toothbrush or a light bristle brush. Once everything is cleaned and put back together, store your pump in an area that won’t freeze such as a garage or storage closet; this will protect your pump from the cold and lengthen its lifetime.

  • Drain the water out of the plumbing. This prevents standing water from freezing and expanding, potentially cracking the pipes that connect your filtration system.

  • Remove and clean the filter media and spray them thoroughly with a garden hose. Store them in the garage or the basement along with the pump.

  • If you have fish, it’s always best to purchase a de-icer and an aerator. The De-icer will help keep a hole open in the ice so harmful gasses can be released as the aerator will be adding oxygen to the pond to keep those finned friends healthy while they hibernate. If we have a harsh winter, the aerator alone may not be enough to keep everything circulating and keep an opening on the surface.

If any of you aren’t comfortable closing your water garden yourself, don’t hesitate to call us at Action to get you set up with an appointment with Dr. Pond and his crew. Feel free to contact us at 860-875-2359 or e-mail us at pondclinic@actionwatergardens.com. 

Known Creative / CWD