Tropicals as Houseplants!

Pond and water feature enthusiasts often choose tropical plants for their dramatic foliage and colorful flowers, despite the fact that they will only get a single season to enjoy them. This isn't always the case though! Most tropical plants can be turned into houseplants during the colder winter months. What better way to brighten up the drab, gloomy overcast of winter? 

The first thing to consider is location. Tropical pond plants are sun lovers and will seek out the sunlight in your home. A good spot is near a sunny window. Keep in mind that you don't want to keep the plants too close to the cool glass and away from any sources of heat (wood stoves, heating vents, etc.) Another option is using an indoor grow light if you do not have a lot of natural sun light in your home. These set-ups can be done in mud rooms, basements, garages (if they are kept above 60 degrees in the winter), and can even be used as a focal point in a kitchen or living room. 

Be sure to use a container that isn't made out of porous materials and has no holes in the bottom. Terra cotta and other clay-like materials tend to soak up the water or allow it to seep out. Use something that is hard plastic or even some ceramics if they are sealed properly. Pots with holes can be sealed as long as the material itself doesn't allow the water to leak through its pores. This can be done by using a liner patch and some silicone sealant. If you are unable to do this project yourself you can always bring the container you are using into Action Water Gardens, Inc. One of our dedicated and knowledgeable staff members will be glad to help you out!

Known Creative / CWD