You Need This Plant in Your Garden, IF...

You Need This Plant In Your Garden, IF...
# 1 - You love the rare and unusual.

# 2 - You want to grow plants that none of your friends have ever even heard of.

# 3 - You want to be the envy of all your neighbors.

# 4 - You don't have the time or desire to baby or pamper plants.

# 5 - You have a small amount of shade or dappled sunlight.

# 6 - You like BOLD & UNIQUE foliage.

# 7 - You're passionate about growing tropical plants outside or indoors.

# 8 - You want an alluring "Conversation Plant" for your garden visitors to chat about.

# 9 - You're a resident of Planet Earth.

# 10 - # 100 - well, there are probably over 100 reasons that you should be growing Colocasia esculent 'Black Magic'  but the main reason that you aren't growing it is because you've probably never heard of it, let alone had someone offer to share some with you.

All that's about to change. Read on, read on.........

AKA to some as "Black Magic Taro" or “Elephant Ears,” this easy to grow member of the Araceae family makes quite the dramatic statement in any well-planted water garden. In the wild, it prefers very moist soil and grows very well in 0-6” of water, but it does well in average garden soil, as long as it’s getting plenty of water. I've found that a mulch of double ground hardwood bark keeps just about any soil from drying out and ultimately morphs into rich organic matter. This garden treasure does well in full sun at least 4 hours a day and in the water’s edge. Black Magic Taro is considered hardy to zone 8. It is recommended to be brought in the winter and grows very well inside. When brought inside the leaves will change back to green from black, hence the name origin. The very unique and large foliage is makes it a perfect plant to contrast all that green color in your garden. When fertilized and happy it can grow up to 2’-3’ and can flower in the summer. So grab one today because they are on sale 20% for the rest of the season!


Plant Stats:

Care Level: Easy

Lighting: Natural, Full Sun, Min 4 hrs a day

Placement: Edge, Marginal

Water Conditions: 70-80° F, pH 6.5-7.5

Propagation: Off Shoots

Max. Size: 4'

Color Form: Black

Growth: Moderate

Depth: 0-6”

Spacing: 1 foot min

Known Creative / CWD